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Healing Diastasis Recti

Do you have weak abdominal muscles or feel you still have a pregnant belly? If you’ve given birth last week or a few years ago, it’s possible you may still have

Diastasis Recti.

All women in their 3rd trimester have had Diastasis Recti, so it’s completely normal and a natural part of pregnancy. However, some women do not fully heal from it after giving birth which can cause havoc if not addressed.

Diastasis Recti occurs when the stress on your abdominal wall from your growing belly weakens your midsection. The connective tissue in that area called linea alba

typically is strong and flexible, is now thin and weakened. The outer abdominal muscle (aka: our 6 pack) begins to separate apart. This is NOT a tear, but extremely stretched.

After delivery, Diastasis Recti heals in about a week or months in some women. However, many women will still have persistent Diastasis Recti beyond a year or more past delivery. Some women may have a “coning” type of protrusion in the belly or some may see the separation as shown in the picture in this blog post. Besides physical appearance, DR can lead to pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse or low back pain to name a few. DR typically can be healed without surgery, so finding the right recovery steps is important.

Two ways to begin recovery is strengthen your core and avoid placing stress on the connective tissue in your midsection.

Begin by strengthening your core muscles from the inside out. Avoid exercises that put stress on the midline such as sit-up’s or planks. Second, practicing proper alignment as you move your body will also help take off added stress on the linea alba and help your body recover.

Healing your Diastasis Recti will take time and lots of love. Your body has gone through a total transformation and taking small steps will help with recovery.

Need guidance on postpartum exercises or Diastasis Recti? Schedule for a consultation to learn more.

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