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The weighted step-up can be done on a bench, however I chose the BOSU since it is an unstable surface and it creates a balance challenge for my core.
Starting position: Stand in front of BOSU or bench, spine in neutral position with soft knees.
Step up on BOSU or bench, lifting your entire body by using only that one leg. No cheating by assisting with your other leg.
Even if you do 2 reps, it's ok. Just keep practicing and you will get stronger!
Muscles used: Quadriceps (front thigh), Calves, Glutes (buttocks) and Core
Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique that can be used by anyone to inhibit overactive/tight muscles.
This technique has helped me eliminate 90% of my back and knee pain. Love this and highly recommend this for anyone.
Starting position: Lay in a prone postion (face down) with the foam roller underneath the top portion of one of your quadricep muscles. Opposite leg should be bent so it will allow you to support your body and also push the roller down your quadricep muscle.
Slowly roll the foam roller down the center of your quadricep muscle to the top of the knee. Repeat several times to loosen up the muscle and the trigger points are not as intense. To roll the vastus medialis (outer portion of the quadricep muscle) position your body on a 45 degree angle and continue roll as in step one.
It is recommended to begin foam rolling with a smooth surface roller as I show in the pictures. However, as your trigger points begin to be less intense, the Rumble Roller is be the next step for a deep tissue SMR. My blue Rumble Roller is shown in left hand side of the pictures and can be found at
Muscles used: Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis and Rectus Femoris (front and outer/inner sides of thigh muscle)
Starting position: Start with your feet slightly wider then your shoulder width, resting a barbell across the top of your shoulder blades. Your hands should be under your hip width. Keep your chest up and your spine in a neutral position. Your weight should be spread evenly across your feet.
Retract your hips, retracting them backward. Bend your knees keeping your spine in a neutral position, allowing your body to hinge at the hip and knee joints, until your upper legs are parallel with the floor and your spine at a 45 dregree angle to the floor. Your knees slightly extended slightly forward, with your chest and head up. Your knees should be directly over the front of your feet.
Be mindful of how much weight you put on your barbell. Start light and build as you become stronger. You can begin by just using the bar without any wieghts to start.
Muscles used: Quadriceps (front thigh), Calves, Glutes (buttocks) and Hamstrings
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